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My journey:

About me:

[TW: Eating Disorders/ Disordered Eating] I was a 'runner' and dabbled in the modelling space in my teens. 

I vividly remember this photo being taken and feeling unhappy with my body (now, in a much different body, I look back at these photos and think what the heck was I thinking?!). That my friends is when I learnt about body image. 

I also got into running for all the wrong reasons. My running was fuelled by unhealthy intentions including managing an obsession pre-occupation with my weight and fear of weight gain. Of course, being so 'dedicated' with my running (or I should say obsessive), I became quite good at it, despite being under-fuelled.

Where did diet come into this? Well, you see, as I was always trying to 'fix' my body, this also meant I would research every diet under the sun. Keto, paleo, 'clean' eating, you name it. Because that's what was in our face growing up.. right? 

I guess this is where fast forward a few years, upon graduating, I decided to study nutrition & dietetics to add even more 'fuel to this fire'... Little did I know that studying this degree would quite literally change my life. It opened up my eyes to what a positive and healthy relationship with food (and my body) can look like.. 

The Beginning..

No longer do I feel the constant guilt for eating 'naughty' things,  or the constant battle/ pressure to change the way my body look. No longer do I feel the constant battle of yo-yoing: “I’ll just start again on Monday [and be extra sTrIcT]”..

Instead, I acknowledge that nutrition is a spectrum. It's okay to enjoy your favourite foods. Yes food is fuel, but it is also so much more than this - it's joy, it's social connection, it's culture, and SO much more.  I also acknowledge that throughout life, it's also okay for your body to fluctuate. Your weight ≠ your worth, and you are certainly not your old teenage self (nor should your body look like it anymore). 

Don't get me wrong, I still do have some “bad body image days”, however, I now have the tools in my toolkit, and experience, to be able to deal with these days when they arise.

This is why I am so passionate about what I do. With this personal connection & lived experience to all of the above, if I can share my knowledge, and be someone's first step in their journey, to a happier relationship with food, and their body, mitigating under-fuelling… I will be one happy dietitian.. 

Learn about my Services

My journey:

About me:

The Now..

"A balanced diet means prioritising wholefoods 
whilst still making room for enjoyment".

Woolworths $2.40 snack TikTokers are loving: 

Sunsavers: Three ways to entertain kids in the kitchen..

Unlocking Athletic Potential? Exploring sports supplements

In the Media:

Watch me clean my home

My Natural Cleaning Routine

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